Tires are one of the most forgotten about parts of your car, but one of the most important. They face the most wear and tear so it’s important to replace them as needed. As they get worn, traction is reduced, and it can even affect your gas mileage. So how do you know when it’s time for new tires? Here are some tips for examining your tires and their life. Check the tread. Tire treat is to improve traction, especially on wet roads. A good rule of thumb is once the treat hits 2/32 of an inch or less, its time to replace. Anything less than that can be a serious safety risk. A quick test can be setting a penny at the thinnest tread, if you can see the top of Lincoln’s head or copper above it – it’s time to replace the tire. Check for tire thread. Not to be confused by tread because tire thread is much different. Threading appears on tire thin spots. Once the thread or ware bars can be seen you are at risk of wearing through the tire. Check for damages. If you notice large...