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Showing posts from March, 2022

Corrosion Inhibitors: Protect Your Vehicle

Sometimes rust spots aren't just rust spots; Corrosion inhibitors prevent serious decay.  Whether you have experience with cars or none at all, you probably know that rust and corrosion are not good news. You know corrosion is terrible for the environment, and likely understand that it can lead to severe damages. If a car is susceptible to corrosion, those inside the vehicle could be in danger. This is especially true when rust finds its way to the frame parts of your car, causing them to snap or crack. Because the process of corrosion progresses quickly, it's best to act quickly in employing prevention strategies. That's where corrosion inhibitors come into play, protecting most alloys and metals from rust and decay. These inhibitors work by allowing ions and molecules to bind to the surface of your car. This bond reduces electrical resistance and will reduce your vehicle's corrosion rate and increase its lifespan.  An overall benefit of corrosion inhibitors is their a...